How to Get a Job
by Snake Blocker
Create a great resume and be honest. You can get free resume samples, spreadsheets
and advice on the internet. About 85% of
applicants are never considered because of their unprofessional resume or lack
of resume. Check spelling and account
for all years. Do not leave gaps in
employment. Cover Letters are a good
additional but not always required.
Create a separate resume to focus on your strengths and experiences in
that line of work. You may have to
create several resumes if you are applying for work in different
industries. Following up with the
companies you applied for about every 2 weeks to check on status of resume and
job openings; and state that you are willing to consider work in other areas of
the company if there is an opening. Put
on your resume that you are willing to work any shifts, weekends and weekdays
and you are willing to travel.
Dress to impress for the interviews and smell good. No crazy haircuts or exposed tattoos or excess
jewelry. Shave your face (men) and for
women wear a professional dress or slacks and don’t expose the breast. Bring a black and red pen and blank yellow
notebook paper and additional copies of your resume. Make sure your shoes look sharp and black shocks
Greet and smile a lot and make friendly conversation with
the receptionist and other employees, but don’t talk too much or distract them
from their work. Keep the conversations
short and simply. Your smile will say a
Apply for 3-10 jobs per day 7 days a week until you get a
job. Most of this time will be spent on
the computer filling out applications.
Don’t worry if you do not qualify for the position, apply anyways for
practice. You never know when a company
wants some fresh perspectives from folks with little experience in a particular
field. Most companies know they can
teach someone in a short timeframe as long as that person is teachable and
smart enough to pick it up. Also if you
have a good driving record, credit score and no criminal record you can get
jobs that you have no experience with.
Many times companies will hire you and pay to send you to school,
seminars, workshops, online courses, and/or on the job training. And if you have a Security Clearance, HAZMAT
certification, Class A or Class B drivers license, or other certifications or
degrees your chances increase dramatically.
If you don’t have much education but you know how to count, speak
English and aren’t lazy with manual labor you can still get jobs doing handyman
and construction work, teach English as a second language or do inventory
work. You can get a job in the majority
of countries just by teaching English classes with no other language skills or
teaching skills. I was offered a job in
Thailand to teach English to the high school and/or college level students with
no experience. The pay seemed low but it
was more than Engineers make in Thailand and I would be considered high-middle
class for Thailand.
While you’re applying for jobs, talk to new neighbors
everyday and tell them you are available for any work they might have around
the house and you will take whatever they can afford. You can paint, do lawn work, pick up
groceries, watch their children, house sit, dog (cat or any pet) sit, walk
their dog(s), wash their dog or cars, pick up dog poop, or look after their
elderly parents, etc… If you are doing
this then you can have work at least 5 days per week and have food money. If they don’t have money to pay you, tell them
to make you lunch or dinner and that will be payment. Now you just saved $10-$20 for food for the
day. Sometimes neighbors and friends
will give you both (money and food) or they might give you something that you
can sell that they don’t want anyways.
You can also ask if they have anything to throw away that might be
useable and you can take it off their hands.
Many people will give you extra things like electronics that work,
lawnmowers, tools, bikes and other items lying in their garage. You can have a garage sale or place these
items on E-Bay.
Go through your stuff and see what items you can sell
yourself on the internet or via yard sales.
This is free to do; it only takes your time. E-Bay is easy to set up yourself and it will
teach you step- by-step how to do it. If
you don’t have a computer, go to your local library and use their computers for
Read books everyday (non-fiction) and learn something new
that you can add to your resume. Again,
the library is free.
Post that you are looking for work and post your credentials
and skills. Place “Looking for Work” ads
on posting boards at your local shops and grocery stores. Post on the internet with job sites (Monster Jobs
and others). Post a short comment on
your Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and other social networks that you are looking
for any kind of work. If you don’t have
these websites set up, set them up, they are all free.
Apply for the military (active duty and reserve
components). If one turns you down apply
for another branch. Each branch has
different requirements.
If you don’t get a job offer after 100 resumes and
applications then improve your resume and do more following ups and then
continue to send another 100 resumes out.
If someone likes your work in the neighborhood they will recommend you
to their friends for more work also.
Don’t be lazy! Don’t rely on Worker’s Comp or Welfare for
more than 3 months. God gave everyone
talents, skills and abilities, so use them.
When you are not looking for a job, in your spare time, you should be
volunteering in the community at places such as: local churches, the Red Cross,
elderly homes, Big Brother programs, Boy Scouts, etc. You will help many people plus you are
networking so others know you and possibly offer you work with their company or
around their house.
Apply for jobs like: oil/natural gas drilling, ocean
fishing, and forestry work, fast food restaurants, mid and high end restaurants
and even janitorial jobs. If you have
office skills and computer skills apply for assistant positions and secretary
work. If you don’t have computer skills
get on a computer and start learning.
There are free resources on the internet. These are good jobs to do part time or for a
short period of time until you find a job you like better or that pays better. You will rarely find your dream job the first
time around so take whatever is offered in the meantime. Don’t say things like “oh I could never do
that” or “that job is beneath me.” You
know what—nothing is more beneath you than not having a job. I respect the person that collects cans out
of the garbage for money than the person on welfare, worker’s comp or
Why do people not get
The reason you don’t have a job: no resume, no good resume, poor people
skills, unprofessional, poorly dressed, lazy, not willing to work odd shifts,
not willing to do manual labor, not willing to learn new things, and/or not
willing to travel abroad. Having a
degree is the least of the reasons why people don’t get a job in the USA.
If your family doesn’t want to move or you don’t want to
leave family or friends behind, then you need to suck it up and move anyways if
you need a job. You can always move back
after you get back on your feet and a better job is offered in your hometown.
I’ve never met anyone my entire life that hasn’t landed
multiple jobs by taking this advice and being proactive. And no one has regretted it. Saying that there are no jobs around is the
same thing as saying you are lazy and unmotivated. So be
honest and don’t say there are no jobs; I would rather you just tell me you are
lazy and unmotivated and at least I’ll respect you for being honest.
In short...there are no reasons to not have a job...just excuses...pathEtic excuses. I too would rather to just hear honesty, someone is too lazy. And if one part time job won't make ends meet...get another!
I agree 100% Snake. I was born crippled but had the will power and determination to make it one way or the other. Thanks to the Shriners a innovative doctor gave me legs to get from one point to another...but I loved being able to run! I worked on my feet for 35 yrs on corrective surgery guaranteed for 20. Then I had to re-invent myself. College I forgot most I learned but my mind was still functioning. It's hard, but the gratification is knowing one is a survivor and can do!
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