Friday, May 2, 2008


The Apache 3rd Salvation - by Snake Blocker

     The Creator Ussen created all things—all land, all water, all the Heavens, and all living things.  He created the creatures that rule the sky.  He created the creatures that ruled the great land mass.  He created the Apaches which lived in the Underworld.  After a time, the Apaches sought light and came above ground.  The Dragon, which ruled the land creatures, went to war with the Apaches and killed thousands. He feared they would take over his power.  The battles went on for many seasons.  The blood would pour on the ground both from creatures and Apaches.  Many brutal acts were performed from each group and the sands of the desert began to spread, as the sands were formed from the sins of man and beast.  Originally, the land and sky creatures would speak to the Apaches in one language.  Over time, the hatred grew so strong between the Dragon and the Apaches that the Dragon forbad the creatures to speak to the Apaches.   After many, many moons, the creatures eventually forgot the language completely.  The snakes were always traveling to the Underworld and were not around when the Dragon forbad the communication, so the snakes could still converse with the Apaches.  During one great battle between the Dragon and the Apaches, the snakes sided with the Apaches, but the Dragon once again was victorious.  The Dragon took the snakes and in his anger, took his claws and split the tongue of the snakes, so they could no longer speak. They would try, but could only make hissing sounds.  The Dragon also cut off the snake’s feet so they could never walk again—only crawl on their bellies.  The Dragon cursed them, making them the lowest of creatures.  The Creator Ussen sent His Son, the Dragon Slayer to help out the Apaches.  He won the war and pushed back the Dragon and his creatures.  He destroyed all the Dragon’s leaders by a great flood, and that is why only their markings remain in the rocks and their shattered bones are left to rot in the Underworld.  Ussen gave great power to the Great White Eagle to rule the sky creatures and teach the Apaches. 
     The Dragon wanted revenge and set fire to the land.  After several seasons of drought and famine, the Dragon came back to rage war on the Apaches.  This time the Apache fought harder as the Great White Eagle taught them to use the trees as concealment.  Nonetheless, the Dragon prevailed since he had grown his army large during his retreat.  The Apaches suffered a very great lose and the dessert expanded once again.  When the Great White Eagle looked down and saw the suffering of the Apaches, He wept so hard in the clouds that rain continued to fall from the Heavens.  Many moons passed, as the Great White Eagle cried.  The rain was so much that the area flooded and pushed back the Dragon.  The Dragon Slayer told the Great White Eagle to stay with the Apaches and teach them to make weapons like His talons, and to teach them how to hunt from above as He does.  The Apaches learned to make bows and arrows, shields, knives, spears, war clubs, and slings.  They learned to become great warriors and were able to push the Dragon down into the Underworld.   The Apaches sealed off the entrance with great rocks of silver and gold.  They gave thanks to the great Creator Ussen and His Son Dragon Slayer, and they accepted the comfort of the Great White Eagle.  A celebration of song, drum and dance went on for four days.  This is the known as the time of their 3rd Salvation.           


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